Patterns of Co-Linear Equidistant Letter Sequences and Verses |
Nachum Bombach and Harold Gans |
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition |
Hong Kong, August 20-24 2006 |
Supporting Data |
Patterns of Equidistant Letter Sequence Pairs In Genesis |
Harold Gans, Zvi Inbal, Nachum Bombach |
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition |
Hong Kong, August 20-24 2006 |
The Linguistic Protocol and the Data Used for the Experiment |
Torah Codes: New Experimental Protocols |
Robert M. Haralick |
Advances in Pattern Recognition |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 1451 |
Adnan Amin, Dov Dori, Pavel Pudil and Herbert Freeman (eds.) |
(Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 and SPR'98, Sydney Australia, August 1998) |
Springer, Berlin, 1998, p72-93. |
The Torah Code Controversy |
Robert M. Haralick |
14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition |
August 16-20, 1998, Vol 2, p1779-1783 |
Skeptical About the Reasoning of the Bible Code Skeptic |
Submitted but not accepted to Skeptical Inquirer in 2003 |
Robert M. Haralick |
Basic Concepts For Testing The Torah Code Hypothesis |
Robert M. Haralick |
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition |
Hong Kong, August 20-24 2006 |
Testing The Torah Code Hypothesis: The Experimental Protocol |
Robert M. Haralick |
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition |
Hong Kong, August 20-24 2006 |
Component Analysis of Torah Code Phrases |
Art Levitt |
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition |
Hong Kong, August 20-24 2006 |
Description of the Data |
Long Phrases In Torah |
Art Levitt, Nachum Bombach,Harold Gans, |
Robert Haralick, Leib Schwartzman, and Chaim Stal |
Linguistic Connections Among Torah Codes |
Art Levitt, Robert Haralick, and Eliyahu Rips |
Second International Interdisciplinary Conference on |
Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language |
Belgrade November 29, 2004 - December 1, 2004
The Twin Towers Cluster in Torah Codes |
Eliyahu Rips and Art Levitt |
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition |
Hong Kong, August 20-24 2006 |
The Dialog Mode |
Lieb Schwartzman |
The Hidden Birth Dates for the Personalities of Genesis |
Doron Witztum |
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition |
Hong Kong, August 20-24 2006 |
The Data |