Book List:
- Robert M. Haralick, Eliyahu Rips, and Matityahu Glazerson, Torah Codes: A glimpse into the infinite, Mazal & Bracha Publishing, Inc., New York, NY, 2005.
- Alexander Rotenberg, And All This Is Truth! Mysteries hidden in the Book of books, Lavi P. Enterprises Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel, 2005
- Barry Steven Roffman, Ark Code, Green Shoelace Books, Alameda, CA, 2004.
- Jeffrey Satinover, Cracking The Bible Code, William Morrow and Company, Inc., New York, 1997.
- Robert M. Haralick and Matityahu Glazerson, The Torah Codes And Israel Today, Lev Eliyahu, Jerusalem, Israel, 1996
- Moshe Katz, COMPUTORAH on Hidden Codes in the Torah, Achdut Printing, Jerusalem, Israel, 1996.
Books in Hebrew:
- מתתיהו גלזרסון, קץ שם לחשך, יריד הספרים, ירושלים, 2004.
- דורון ויצטום, צופן בראשית , --, ירושלים, 2004.
- דורון ויצטום, המימד הנוסף, --, 1989.