Performing the Hypothesis Test
March 2, 2007

Performing the Hypothesis Test

To perform the hypothesis test, we determine whether the smallest interpoint distance of the point set satisfying the model lies in the critical region, i.e. whether or not it is less than or equal to .005513. If yes, we reject the Null hypothesis in favor of the Alternative. If no, we reject the Alternative hypothesis in favor of the Null hypothesis.

For the point data set generated from the model and shown below, the smallest distance between point set 1 and point set 2 is .004344. Since .004344 is less than the critical value .005513 we reject the Null hypothesis in favor of the Alternative hypothesis.

Red denotes points from point set 1. Green denotes points from point set 2. This is the plot of the first trial which by construction has point set 2 moved closer to point set 1. The smallest distance between point set 1 and point set 2 is .004344

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